Deleted Sensor Mistakenly

Hello @Timo,
I’ve restored the deleted registration.

I too have deleted my sensor 000000001939c1c1

Hello @Outdoormatt,
I’ve restored the deleted registration.


Please be so kind an restore my device registration: esp32-9948592

Thank you!

Hi @pbriesch,
I’ve restored the registration.
(It’s not really helpful to just try it with another prefix. This may block the registration for users that are using that other system base)

Thanks @ricki-z !

Regarding the other prefix: I had 2 Wireless Sticks. One is now broken. Before you restored, I set up the Wireless Stick via TTN.

Hello Sensor Community – I am trying switch my Envrio+ sensor to a different Raspberry Pi, but can’t get it to work because the sensor is still registered to the old serial # with the Sensor Community. I attempted to hand over the sensor this weekend (to a second email address that I control) but never received a confirmation email and now the sensor has disappeared from my Sensor Community dashboard.

Are you able to help? The Sensor ID that appears on the top of my Enviro+ is 10000000acfa63fc



Welcome on board.

Which code are you using for the enviro+ ? I tried to develop a compatible firmware but it does not work.
As a reminder: the enviro + is not supported by Sensor.Community. I will try to continue to code this week but I experience difficulties with micropython and Thommy…

Hi there – I’ve been successfully running the Enviro+ sensor on Sensor.Community for several years now using my Raspberry Pi devices and the instructions from Pimoroni.

Over the last couple of years I’ve had three Envrio+ sensors up and running on the Sensor.Community with no problem.

All I’m trying to do is transfer the registration of the sensor to a new Raspberry Pi device. When I attempted to “Hand Over” the registration this weekend I did not receive an email to the new account. I’m not sure what this has to do with firmware or the specific Envrio+ compatibility, since this is all happening on the website. I just haven’t received any email.

Thanks so much for your help.


Hi Pierre

I just wanted to follow up on this. Would it be possible for you to reset the registration for Serial # 10000000acfa63fc so that I can please update my Raspberry Pi that runs the sensor?

Thank you so much.


Is anyone else having problems getting a response from Sensor.Community when you request to transfer your AQI sensor to a new owner? I’ve emailed and also tried posting on this forum, but not getting any help. I totally get that this is a volunteer-led initiative, but also not sure how to proceed here. My old sensor has disappeared completely from the Sensor.Community and no email has been received by the new owner. Thanks anyone who can help!

I deleted my sensor by mistake and I cannot register it again - how can I register it and upload my data?
My chipID=esp8266-2586015.


Hello @bela.pasti ,
I’ve restored the registration.


I did, as it seems the same mistake and deleted my old registration and re-registerd the same hardware again. It seems that everything seems ok, but after 12h run I still don’t see the two raspberry pi zero Wifi with BME280 and one PMS5003 one of the pi zero, on the map and no data is visible.

The python script executions on both seems fine and I do get a response back:
2023-07-23 14:16:28.416 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘22.45’, ‘pressure’: ‘101230.11’, ‘humidity’: ‘23.66’, ‘P2’: ‘0’, ‘P1’: ‘0’}
2023-07-23 14:16:32.853 INFO Response: OK
2023-07-23 14:18:53.654 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘21.83’, ‘pressure’: ‘101227.93’, ‘humidity’: ‘24.14’, ‘P2’: ‘0’, ‘P1’: ‘0’}
2023-07-23 14:18:55.143 INFO Response: OK

So, I am clueless what is wrong with my sensors which are:
Raspberry Pi serial: 000000001a9151df
Raspberry Pi serial: 00000000f7d29a1d

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

Thanks in adv.

Update: I did change now also the url for the push message to:

But still no data on site and my sensors are not on the map.

Whay don’t you use normal SC sensors ?
Maybe you should let us register for you and then transfer to your account.
gives nothing for example,

hm, I don’t know, do I have to send the data also to any api called madavi and how?
I push data to the api

Can you please register those two IDs for me?


@Fotis_Karelas please send us the raspberry serials and the connected sensors for each serial. Then we can check them.

  1. Raspberry Pi serial: 000000001a9151df:
  • PMS5003

  • BME280

  1. Raspberry Pi serial: 00000000f7d29a1d:
  • BME280

Thanks in adv.

@ricki-z Can you see something ?

Nothing yet, not on the map and not on grafana dashboard :frowning_face:
Shall I delete those sensors again from my account?