Question, I’ve got the sensor kit and I’m looking for a good place to hang the set.
I’ve read that it should be off the ground like 3-6 ft (1 to 2 meters) in your breathing space and that it should have enough room to get a 270degrees air flow.
I was thinking to mount the kit on my barn above the doors (2,5 meters off the ground) and against the wall itself.
But I guess that is not the best place? Could you tell me where you all have mounted the sensor? Maybe some photo’s.
This is at the Dutch government institute for environmental hygiene. They are testing noise sensors, professional ones and built by amateurs.
The non-grey ones are built by me.
@tvdsluijs The case of my photo is only a Nettigo kit (there are many version), but you can find there just the case only too.
I mounted the sensor above the roof together with other sensors for a multi-comparison (the box above with those holes and a mosquito net, protects another air sensor).
To protect it from the rain for a long time, I added a saucer above (whole) and one below (with some holes and lots of silicone). In a normal wall/windows setup I prefer a module similar to Atti’s case too.
Install the sensors in the front or rear bumpers, or the camera on the license plat. With the use of TPMS sensor you will find out the car in big garage