Showing geiger sensor on the map

Do you know providers of these tubes in Ukraine? Maybe I can help to contact with them.

I have contacted one via ebay, just to find out if it was still possible to order. Talked to him on skype. He told me that the mail was still working. That was on april 6th. The seller lives in kyiv.

Yes! Managed to fix my multigeiger! The first Dutch multigeiger is online!


Still on a breadboard. Going to make a housing tomorrow.

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Made a container to store my calibration source in. 3Dprinted with lead in the double walls. The design is on thingiverse

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Also made a 3D printed tube holder for the SBM19


Your calibration source?!?

Beautiful this tube support, congratulations !!

I have used simple electrical cable ducts fixed with cable ties, to fit into a small tube. Than i made an insulated hole with silicon and heat shrink tubing (hope i wrote right), like this:

Thank you. I can share the stl on thingiverse.

I have Thorium 232. Bought it on, a Dutch ebay. It has been tested with several tubes.

Looks good!

I have put my multigeiger in a 40 mm PPC pipe which I mounted on my balcony fence. I don’t have a garden. My geiger is the first one in the Netherlands.

this sensor seems too high in relation to the ground.
But perhaps it would be correct to ask for info on other specialized forums on this type of research, I don’t know much yet

I know, but I don’t have a garden.

Compared to the values of other geigers it’s about the same.

You might ask to put it further down with power coming in from your balcony. Or you could attach it to a lamppost.
The measure may be similar under normal conditions, but losing / gaining too much in others

Just shared the SBM19 tube holder on thingiverse

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Made a holdet for the SI22G (СИ22Г) tube as well.

You can also try , it’s more open and simple, and you can send data by connecting any geiger counter to an ESP8266 (the standard is an SBM20 tube). I have a cheap Soviet meter from the late 80’s (Master-1), I just had to find the place on the board to connect the ESP and it worked right away. The code for the ESP is here GitHub - debsahu/RadmonApi: An Arduino library to post to
After a year my geiger counter had problems, but I changed the capacitors and it continued to work great!

Thank you for the tip. I am going to check out this link, and maybe adjust the code that my geiger counter shows on both maps.

At the moment my counter does not show on multigeiger, due to a problem with

What is the problem with devices…? I can maybe help.

How something can be more open than an Open source project administrated by 4 people in Stuttgart you can easily reach in 1 day max ?:rofl:
The multigeiger supports Lorawan and I can t find any info about the radmon Hardware.

I’m not some kind of promoter, it was just a suggestion, don’t get me wrong. With “more open” I was not comparing it specifically with multigeiger since I have never used it (rather I was thinking of uRADMonitor and its prices), and with that I was referring to the possibility of being able to use any hardware, that is why there is nothing specific, you can use any counter and send the data in the way you prefer. That also makes it less comparable, as a counterpart.