Where is the Server Data

It was my understanding that every data point was saved on servers in Germany. The data was accessed by: https://api-rrd.madavi.de/csvfiles.php?sensor=esp8266-1004961 (where 1004961 is the chip identification). It seems that this data is no longer accessible. Is this a temporary glitch, has the URL changed or is this data no longer available?

I use

Hey fredvduin,
That URL which you posted is for the graphical representation of the data. Previously, we could use the URL in my earlier post to see every measurement for all historical data, going back years in CSV files.

@Charlie_Pierce this should work again. It was only a wrong path after a script change …

Apologies for the off-topic question. How do I find out the sensor ID for a sensor that I see on the map? I need the ID of this one. When I click on it, it shows Sensor #19776 but the ID in the links shared above looks different.

Or alternatively, how can I download the data from 19776?

You can download the data of a specific sensor on the map at https://archive.sensor.community/.
The mapping chipID (links above) to map ID is only known to the owner of the sensor. The chipID is a hardware ID (part of the wifi MAC address). So knowing the approximate location would make it possible to search for a sensor with a wifi scanner.

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