I have a PI that also runs my weather station so cannot dedicate it to the air quality sensory, is there a script or something I can run as a cron job to read the sensor every 5 minutes or so and share the data?
I have a PI that also runs my weather station so cannot dedicate it to the air quality sensory, is there a script or something I can run as a cron job to read the sensor every 5 minutes or so and share the data?
I have resolved this by reading the API documentation and adding some code to the end of my existing script and it appears to be working albeit with a 2 hour time offset so I need to figure out where that is coming from.
@Varying6842 We publish the data with a UTC timestamp. Your script shouldn’t send any timestamps to our servers as normally our sever is setting it. Maybe this is the cause of the offset.
Sorry I did figure this out just before bedtime so did not reply. I changed the submitted time to UTC and that did resolve it. I will look to remove that tomorrow though.
On a related note do I also need to send to API Madavi.de as per:-
Or does it go to both by sending to api.sensor.community which is how I read the documentation but want to check.
Yes, you must send on the both but there are slight difference in the way you must build the json.
Contact me per DM.
@Varying6842 You don’t need to send to Madavi.de API. This site was meant to be used for test purposes.
We use the same influxdb and the same grafana instance for the graphs on our map. But for these we ‘copy’ the live stream to this influx database. So you sensor should be shown on the map and also the graphs there should work by sending only to api.sensor.community.
Ah, well in that case I will revert my code as I started sending to that one earlier. I don’t want to waste your resources unnecessarily though.
The Madavi API is in my opinion important for debug.