Update git Documentation, add wiring instructions for ALL supported sensors, remove not (yet) supported checkboxes

Documentation in Git sensors-software/airrohr-firmware/Readme.md at master · opendata-stuttgart/sensors-software · GitHub contains instructions on how to connect sensors to the board.

Sadly, some of the supported sensors (according to available checkboxes in NRZ-2024-136-B1/DE) are not listed there.

Missing wiring instructions:
Tera Sensor NextPM
NextPM Fulltime
Piera IPS-7100
SH1106 Display

And I wonder, are all the sensors available for configuration really supported?
I can remember that Tera NextPM is only supported by a very old beta from @pjg GitHub - pjgueno/AirRohrFirmwareNextPM: Custom version for the Tera Sensor Next PM. What is difference between Tera Sensor NextPM and NextPM Fulltime, aren’t they the same?
If not all available checkboxes are supported, please consider removing these checkboxes from the firmware.

You have beta for SEN5x available at sensors-software/airrohr-firmware at beta-sen5x · opendata-stuttgart/sensors-software · GitHub, but Readme.md is missing wiring instructions for SEN5x sensor too.


SCD30 is a CO2 sensor which the values are not displayed on the map.
The DNMS is the noise sensor and the pin out is descriebed in its page on the main site.
The Next PM should be available in the current master. “fulltime” is the option to keep the Next PM on all the time (no sleep as for the SDS011) in order to use the internal heating system for relative humidity.
The IPS-7100 is a very rare sensor. It should work in the beta.
The displays are I2C with standard pinout.

You are right we should check out the github read.me a bit.

In my opinion only advanced users should try to use non-standard sensors and these users should be able to decipher datasheets and code and understand how to connect by themselves.

“The Next PM should be available in the current master. "
Ok, interesting. I flashed NRZ-2024-135/DE”, as soon as I check the Tera Sensor (all other sensors unchecked) and reboot the webserver wont start. No matter if Tera sensor is connected or not.

“In my opinion only advanced users should try to use non-standard sensors and these users should be able to decipher datasheets and code and understand how to connect by themselves.”
You are right, but if there is a documentation it should be complete - at least write “If you want to use non-standard sensors figure it out on your own” :wink: