Trying to register a new SDS011 sensor but it is already registered

Hello I am trying to register a new sensor as far as I understand I get the sensor this way:

Then I tried with this recommendation by GPT:

response = b'\xaa\xc0\x86\x01\x16\x03\x71\x77\x88\xab'

# Extract the device ID bytes
device_id_bytes = response[6:8]

# Convert to hexadecimal
device_id_hex = device_id_bytes.hex().upper()
print(f"Device ID (Hex): {device_id_hex}")

# Convert to decimal
device_id_decimal = int.from_bytes(device_id_bytes, byteorder='big')
print(f"Device ID (Decimal): {device_id_decimal}")

and got a matching HEX from the ID of the sticker on the part but I still get:

" This sensor ID is already registered."

This is the ID in HEX and Decimal that I get:

root@raspberrypi:/home/ubuntu/pm2-sensor# python3
Device ID (Hex): 7177
Device ID (Decimal): 29047

Please let me know if this is the ID or I am doing something wrong.

We don’t need the id of the SDS011. What system do you want to use, esp8266 or raspberry or esp32?

I have a raspberry with the SDS011 sensor

Then you should use the serial of the raspberry cpu. This is normally listed in /proc/cpuinfo .

Thank you! Sensor registered and will write up the integration to send some “clean” data :smiley:

Hallo Zusammen, ich habe ein Sensor Community" KIT (SDS011/BME280)" gekauft. Ich habe Sensor angeschlossen. Alles funktioniert bis Sensor registieren möchte. Sensoren senden die Daten zu Web, aber ich kann sensor nicht registrieren, weil schon regiostriet als warnung steht. Wie kann ich dieses problem umgehen?
Sensor ID:

Viele Grüße

Hi @ArchData I’ve released the chipID.