This sensor ID is already registered


I replaced my DTH11 sensor with a BMP280, so I no longer had my temperature and humidity data.
So I deleted my sensor to check it but I got a message:

My sensor ID: 4296827
controller: ESP8266

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

@Franpom I’ve restored the registration and changed the DHT to a BME(!)280.

Hello Ricki-z,
I installed my sensor but it was not visable. The next day it was still not visable. I removed sensor and tried to install it again but now I get the message Sensor is already registered but it is not in my account. The ID of the sensor is 16191194. ESP 8268.

Can you help me with this problem?

Best regards Rob

Hello, I’ve restored the deleted registration.
Could you please check the cables and connectors between the SDS011 and the NodeMCU?
Temperature/humidity/pressure (BME280) seems to be okay (
But the data of the SDS011 shows gaps ( As we only show sensors on the map that have sent data in the last 5 minutes it may happen that your sensor isn’t shown all the time.

Hello Ricky, I checked the cables and the wires. It seems to be ok because when I unplug the esp and put the power back on the esp measures the PM. I checked that in the browser with the local IP address. After 5 minutes the values are gone and I see no measurements. Only - .
When I look in the menu"device status" the number of measurements is going up. On the map the sensor is not visable. I leave it for a while, see what happens.

I am afraid it is not going to work. The sds011 made measurements but the connection is lost some how. WiFi connection is ok.

I have a similar problem.
I tried to register a sensor that I didn’t use for a while because I don’t see in My sensors list.
But I got a message that it is already used.

How can I reactivate?