In summer I’ll probably move to another home near the airport. This is why I look for a NOX/NO2 sensor. I need one, who is supported by default sensor community arduino sketch, or at least one supported by ESP32 development board. Is there an affordable sensor in the market?
I think there is still no cheap sensor for NO2 with specs which are compatible with the values in the air.
I made à firmware for the Cairsens Envea which works well but is very expansive.
Feel free to contact me in this thread for further information.
Click on the link above.
I don t who is the dealer but it should be available somewhere. I développed a working code for it. Can you explain me further what you need / want to do ?
I already have the sensor, and I can read the values with my esp8266 (thanks to PINCENT Remi GitHub - Lahorde/cairsens_uart: CairPol Cairsens UART protocol, if he comes by)
So I’m wondering if the sensor community will add this sensor and if I can help develop this part.
What do you mean when you talk about working code