Static IP for the ESP8266

It would be nice if the user could enter a static IP number in the configuration menu


We made a new branch


This branch has included (new)

  • Sen5x
  • Static IP
  • MQTT
  • Power save

Below is a generic example in Python to illustrate how you might achieve this:

Sample configuration menu function

def configure_application():
print(“Configuration Menu:”)

# Other configuration options...

# Prompt user for static IP
static_ip = input("Enter static IP address: ")

# Save the static IP to configuration

print("Configuration saved successfully.")

Sample function to save configuration

def save_configuration(static_ip):
# You can save the static IP to a configuration file, database, or any storage mechanism
# Here, we’ll just print it for demonstration purposes
print(f"Static IP saved: {static_ip}")

Example usage
