SPS30 going crazy?

Saturday afternoon my SPS30 was going crazy (between 13:25 and 15:55):

While the values themselves are absolutely ridiculous (and the SDS011 in the same housing was reading normally) this is the first time that I am seeing differences in PM1, PM2.5 and PM10. Usually these are roughly the same values.

Any idea what could have caused this?

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That is interesting, I have a similar behaviour at roughly the same time though not as high value. It was a SSW wind (see the windbarbs) . So where are you located? I am NE Groningen Netherlands. Chart is compressing is bit, peak value was 254 which is not 4000 but still way beyond what is expected.

The sensor is located in Berlin. The peak is not visible in the output of the SDS011 installed in the same airrohr housing and of the SDS011 in the NAM sensor next to it and also not in the data from the closest official station. It’s just the SPS30.

OK. Coincidence then.