SOLAR Citizen Grid?

Is there any interest in a SOLAR Citizen Grid?
To measure and aggregate the feed-in from local solar installations in a region?

Current total active power (W) (1-0:16.7.0*255): 293.0
Total active energy feed-in (kWh) (1-0:2.8.0*255): 1520.783

Based on an ESP32, some MicroPython code using the optical interface of smart meters, and an interface similar to the fine dust sensor network.


Can you described a bit more ?
You mean the theoretical power produced by the sun compared to the solar installation in a region ?

Yes, that is the idea behind. But the question is, how many active systems are necessary to get representative data from an area.

Current data from I’ve got from my LGZ counter:

Gesamtwirkleistung (W) (1-0:16.7.0*255): -10.0
Bezug gesamt (kWh) (1-0:1.8.0*255): 662.6223
Einspeisung gesamt (kWh) (1-0:2.8.0*255): 1540.395

My installation: 6kw peak (east/west ~30°)
Sample Einspeisung twice a day might be sufficient to get an overview of produced power in a comparable region. Tiles should be not greater than 1 km², assuming that sunlight is comparable in such a tile.

In a long run a citizen battery grid is the next idea. Why should I spend my power for 0,08€/kWH.
I cans hare my power with citizens to load there batteries and vice versa.

Power to the people ;->