Hello, I am seeing sensors on the map in my city that are reporting pm2.5 from 0 to 2 which these days is absolutely impossible due to the pollution. The average polution for the past 24 hours at my location is:
Should those sensors most likely put indoors be visible on the map or can I report them so that they don’t confuse people that the air is clean at their neighbourhood.
By default we don’t show indoor sensors on the map. You need to enable them. And even in this case they are clearly marked as indoor. But only if the users specify this. A look at the local temperature may be helpful.
But any more specific info (sensor numbers, location) no one will be able to look at this …
Here are some suspicious sensor that I can see on the map, they report very low pm2.5 readings while in Sofia, Bulgaria we are having one the highest polution days(based on TV reportings):
Hi @kras , the folks at airbg.info (a local community of users) are replacing older sensors at the moment. And a sensor with ID 3177 may be really old, what may be a reason for those low values.
So this may be solved in the near future.