Hey air quality monitorers,
I recently upgraded my network hardware.
The sensor has not transmitted data since then.
Resetting the sensor by unplugging the power did not fix the problem.
How do I get it going again?
Did the networkname and/or password change?
Please check the configuration and compare with the one in devices.sensor.community
Hello @cleanair , please answer here on the forum and not via email.
Grafana is only a tool to show graphs. You don’t have a login there …
Please follow the configuration instractions for the “first time” configuration of the sensor. YOu can find it here: https://sensor.community/en/sensors/airrohr/#Configure
So you can set the new wifi credentials.
Thanks ricki-z,
I will fix it when the weather gets better.
I will have to climb upon the roof which is slippery and wet now.
The sensor IS powered up though. All the time. It is powered by the adaptor which is plugged in.
Yes the password and networkname changed.
I do not know how to do that. ricki-z sent me a link with steps to follow. I will try that when the roof is dry.
If you power up the sensor again you have 10 minutes to do a “first time” configuration. You probably don’t need to get up on the roof if you see the Wifi-network created by the sensor during those 10 minutes.
That did the trick, Phaze-III.
After powering up the sensor I immediately got a Microsoft Edge window opened on
My wifi network name was already in the bar. I then typed the password for that network. Repeated that procedure several times to no avail.
The last time I clicked on my network name on the list before typing the password. That did the trick. The sensor is uploading data again.