Sensor data reporting error

I just got my new sensor and want to send data in. In debug log I receive error 400 [“sensor could not be selected.”] from the API server. On the main page I have selected SEN5x sensor type with BME280. Temp / Humidity report is visible under the Data, but the device can’t be located on the map.

Please help me how to fix it!

PM1.0: 54.47
PM2.5: 58.50
PM4.0: 59.70
PM 10: 60.27
NOX: 1.00
VOC: 100.00
SEN5X read counter: 3
SEN5X read error counter: 0

Sending to - Sensirion SEN5X

URL: /v1/push-sensor-data/
Request failed with error: 400
Details:[“sensor could not be selected.”]
Pressure ¶: 101009.52
Temperature (°C): 6.77
Humidity (%): 72.29

Sending to - BME280

URL: /v1/push-sensor-data/
Succeeded - a

I have configured to send data to an API server in my network, the device is sending the following data:

User-Agent: NRZ-2020-133/5379942/dc4f22521766
Accept-Encoding: identity;q=1,chunked;q=0.1,*;q=0
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/json
X-Sensor: esp8266-5379942
X-MAC-ID: esp8266-dc4f22521766
Content-Length: 695

{“esp8266id”: “5379942”, “software_version”: “NRZ-2020-133”, “sensordatavalues”:[{“value_type”:“SEN5X_P0”,“value”:“47.37”},{“value_type”:“SEN5X_P2”,“value”:“51.87”},{“value_type”:“SEN5X_P4”,“value”:“53.77”},{“value_type”:“SEN5X_P1”,“value”:“54.67”},{“value_type”:“SEN5X_NOX”,“value”:“1.00”},{“value_type”:“SEN5X_VOC”,“value”:“101.00”},{“value_type”:“BME280_pressure”,“value”:“101064.40”},{“value_type”:“BME280_temperature”,“value”:“6.31”},{“value_type”:“BME280_humidity”,“value”:“75.01”},{“value_type”:“samples”,“value”:“1016945”},{“value_type”:“min_micro”,“value”:“29”},{“value_type”:“max_micro”,“value”:“23845”},{“value_type”:“interval”,“value”:“30000”},{“value_type”:“signal”,“value”:“-79”}]}

Thank you!


this request is missing the X-Pin header. The server will select the registered component.
And you should update the firmware. A version from 2020 may not support the SEN5x correctly. Our latest firmware is from 2024 …

Hi @ricki-z !

Thank you for your answer. Can you please help me where I can find the correct firmware and how to upgrade?

Iotroniq IOT-AQS3xx/AQS4xx air quality sensor

Firmware version: NRZ-2020-133 (iotroniq mod. V3.0.1)/EN (Mar 22 2024)

Thanks a lot!

I’m not sure that our firmware would work with you hardware. Please ask the company that sold the device with the modified software.
(if you want to try it, you can find our flashing instructions at: Sensor Community)

Hi @ricki-z,

Other solution could be, that I create a Rest API server on my home automation box, which converts and sends the request in a format which is accepted by the application.
Can you give an example request json?
What is the exact parameter (or parameters), which is missing in the request sent by the device?

Thank you!

You can find example requests at:

Very important are the both headers.
X-Pin: this pin needs to be the same than the one used for registering the component. Defaults can be found at (API PIN)
X-Sensor: a prefix plus the chipID

Hi @ricki-z ,

Thank you for your kind support! Finally I was able to send the correct data to the API server.
Now I’m struggling with opensensemap, but that’s a different story.

Thanks again!

Hi @Zoltan_Vilmos_Molnar,
I had the same issue. Iotroniq support directed me to this link: Beüzemelés 1. (SPS30) – Mérj velünk. While it’s helpful, it’s not fully up-to-date. For the first sensor, use the SPS30, but instead of the SHT30, you should select the BME280.
Cheers, Tamas

Dear @t03apt ,

Thank you for your help!
I have contacted the vendor, he recommended me the same. I was able to integrate my device with, and

Thanks again!

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