I got a new life box and consequently the sensor has been disconnected for a few days and has disappeared from the community map and did not transmit any data.
The new wifi network was detected by the sensor allowing to access the interconnexion page showing perfectly the life box name. After entering the corresponding password and restarting the sensor, the process seemed to run correctly, no error message being displayed.
However no data are displayed on the grafana interface and the sensor is still out of the community map.
Is it necessary to make a reset of the sensor at hardware level and does it need any updated information to be introduced in the connexion configuration?
The ID of the sensor is esp8266-3129212
Thank you for any information to solve the pb.
Your sensor 3129212 works very well
Yes; The sensor restarted one hour after my message.
Probably the God from the sensor community did a miracle. So with the community we can keep faith !