Sensor.Community by numbers:

Sensor.Community by numbers:
70 countries
14.000 active #AirQuality sensors
20.400.000.000 generated data points
→ We’re looking forward what we all can accomplish together in #2023NewYear


Thank you Lukas!
any update on 2024, to get an idea of the trend?



So, basically, a slight but regular decrease?

Is this decrease the same for other countries? I think the UK might have seen an increase?

Unfortunately not…
I assume that sensors are dying because there are forgotten somewhere and people do not realize that the sensor disconnects if the WiFi password is changed…

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Oh well, that is a shame. Thank you for doing the analysis.

I will participate in a course of the CNAM soon:

I should tell such issue is a challenge for civic tech projects.

Actually i would also need further inputs, ideas… etc. Feel free to write me a few lines.


If someone is interested in these graphs, you can find them at (or for the ‘UK’)

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Le cours a l’air très intéressant, mais il semble ne pas vraient y avoir d’accès pour le retraité sans financement que je suis (il me semble d’ailleurs assez normal de viser plutôt les actifs :wink: ) -je vais me contenter de gérer mes petits capteurs…