Sensor already registered


i’m using the SDS011 for about 3 years now. I enhanced it with BMP280 and made again several updates this year by replacing the BMP with an SHT3x and adding a noise-DNMS.

So i would like manage my new updates by this new devices-page

After trying to register my device, the store fails and it says (device already registered).

Is this an error or has it been registered by another account? Or ist there any other method to update my sensor-list?

Thank you!

You don’t need to register new device. What you need is to add new sensors SHT3x, DNMS and remove unused sensors (BMP280).

Thank you, Denis!

My sensor list is empty

How or where can i update my sensors?

(My modifications are fully functional and working. The firmware settings have been done successfully). I can view my new data on Grafana pages, but not on the map.

The new sensors are not added to the map. I read that it should be done by modifying my sensor, but i’m not able to see or register my sensor.

What is in the section My Sensors:
If it is empty, then press a button “register new sensor” on the same page and add your sensor stations with all its sensors.

Hi Denis,

as mentioned before, the section of sensors im empty:

When trying to add my sensor it does not allow to store:

Any suggestions ?

Your sensor was registered with an email address different from those used for the account at
Send a mail with the chipID to and that you want this sensor moved to the email you used for the registration at