since 1 or 2 days there are no values for the sensor.
The sensor is ca. 1 year old. The BME280 is working, so I think
network and charger is ok.
Is it necessary to change the sensor?
since 1 or 2 days there are no values for the sensor.
The sensor is ca. 1 year old. The BME280 is working, so I think
network and charger is ok.
Is it necessary to change the sensor?
Just pull the power cord off for a moment and put it back again.
i did it some hours before, with no success.
just tried now again, the sensor is running:
thanks for quick support.
You are welcome!
Used to get that pretty often. It hasn’t happened though in a while. Might be because I changed the wall socket
Welcome on board!
Check for oxidation on pins/cables.
And use some KONTAKT 60 spray. It is the panacea!