Reregister/Unregister Sensor?

When I try to re-register the sensor, it says This sensor ID is already registered. Sensor ID 8814049

Please Write to

I sent a message to this email on August 2nd

After to many changes registering a new sensor. I decided to delete and start over. When I try to register again, the application response with an error “This sensor ID is already registered.” Who can delete this record?


Fixed thanks to Rajko Zschiegner after he worked his magic. Thanks

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I have the same issue on sensorID 10041217. How can my previous sensor registration deleted?

Hi @matteo.turra why do you need to delete the regsitration? We can add missing components. At the moment manually, but this will be possible at in the near future.


I setup the sensor and everything was working fine. When i did the setup I forgot to select Publish exact location.

Before I made any changes i deleted the sensor, but I wasnt aware that I will not be able to add it again the same chipid.

Is there any way to remove/restore the sensor or just enable Publish exact location?
Here is the sensor id: 13407522

Note: I also sent an email to but didnt get any response back yet.


@Hristijan_Stojanoski It should work now after I restored the registration and you set the exact location flag.

Hi. I have a node mcu with a fine dust sensor and a bmp280. the station identifier is: ID: 7231439 (807d3a6e57cf) Firmware version: NRZ-2024-135/IT (Apr 9 2024). I can see the values ​​of the sensors in debug but I don’t see the values ​​and the station on the map.

@Mirco_Marcellini The sensor seems to be registered as indoor sensor. These aren’t shown on the map by default. Click on the "PM 2.5 … " in the lower left corner. This should open a menu where you can activate that indoor sensors are visible.

thanks for the directions. solved!