Replace DHT22 sensor by a BME280

I’ve built my sensorkit a few years ago and it worked very good. Now, I decided to replace the DHT22 sensor by a BME280 because I want to see also the pressure.
I had no problems with the mounting and setting of the sensor. everything worked immediately.
I can see the data on ( Grafana ) but when I go to Map Sensor.Community I only see the particulate matter values. No pressure, temperature or humidity. Previously with the DHT22 I could still see the temperature and humidity.
Can someone provide an explanation for this? What do I do to make this visible again?
With thanks! Jacques.

go to and change sensor there as well!

I think the problem is not with the firmware of the ESP8266 but with a login, conversion of data

Have you checked already? Is there BME280 or still old DHT?

In that section of sensor settings

Yes, in this section. But you also need to save this settings. The database shows the old sensor DHT22 for your chipID.

Configuration is ok I think?

Yes, for the hardware configuration this is OK. But in order to change in on the server side you must login to your account on and change sensor there as well!

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I will try to do it. Keep in touch!

Found … Nobody informed me that the entire system was transferred. Consequently … If you don’t know where to look … But now it works! Big thank you to you!

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