Raspberry Pi Environ+ getting error uploading data

Hi, I registered my Raspberry Pi with a Environ+ with PMS5003 Air Quality sensor, but when I run it, I get this error:

pi@raspberrypienviro:~/enviroplus-python/examples $ python luftdaten.py
2022-01-23 13:42:51.311 INFO luftdaten.py - Reads temperature, pressure, humidity,
#PM2.5, and PM10 from Enviro plus and sends data to Luftdaten,
#the citizen science air quality project.

#Note: you’ll need to register with Luftdaten at:
#https://meine.luftdaten.info/ and enter your Raspberry Pi
#serial number that’s displayed on the Enviro plus LCD along
#with the other details before the data appears on the
#Luftdaten map.

#Press Ctrl+C to exit!

2022-01-23 13:42:52.507 INFO Raspberry Pi serial: 00000000337436bd
2022-01-23 13:42:52.526 INFO Wi-Fi: connected

2022-01-23 13:45:18.282 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘0.92’, ‘pressure’: ‘100127.04’, ‘humidity’: ‘23.55’, ‘P2’: ‘9’, ‘P1’: ‘9’}
2022-01-23 13:45:20.112 WARNING Luftdaten Error. PM: Forbidden, Climate: Forbidden
2022-01-23 13:45:20.115 WARNING Luftdaten Response: Failed
2022-01-23 13:47:44.056 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘-1.30’, ‘pressure’: ‘100127.83’, ‘humidity’: ‘25.85’, ‘P2’: ‘7’, ‘P1’: ‘9’}
2022-01-23 13:47:45.291 WARNING Luftdaten Error. PM: Forbidden, Climate: Forbidden
2022-01-23 13:47:45.294 WARNING Luftdaten Response: Failed
2022-01-23 13:50:09.857 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘-2.57’, ‘pressure’: ‘100122.83’, ‘humidity’: ‘27.30’, ‘P2’: ‘9’, ‘P1’: ‘10’}
2022-01-23 13:50:11.379 WARNING Luftdaten Error. PM: Forbidden, Climate: Forbidden
2022-01-23 13:50:11.382 WARNING Luftdaten Response: Failed
2022-01-23 13:52:35.684 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘-3.40’, ‘pressure’: ‘100117.92’, ‘humidity’: ‘28.74’, ‘P2’: ‘10’, ‘P1’: ‘11’}
2022-01-23 13:52:36.908 WARNING Luftdaten Error. PM: Forbidden, Climate: Forbidden
2022-01-23 13:52:36.911 WARNING Luftdaten Response: Failed
2022-01-23 13:55:01.528 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘-4.01’, ‘pressure’: ‘100122.11’, ‘humidity’: ‘29.36’, ‘P2’: ‘9’, ‘P1’: ‘9’}
2022-01-23 13:55:03.028 WARNING Luftdaten Error. PM: Forbidden, Climate: Forbidden
2022-01-23 13:55:03.030 WARNING Luftdaten Response: Failed
2022-01-23 13:57:27.382 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘-4.20’, ‘pressure’: ‘100128.12’, ‘humidity’: ‘30.44’, ‘P2’: ‘11’, ‘P1’: ‘13’}
2022-01-23 13:57:28.574 WARNING Luftdaten Error. PM: Forbidden, Climate: Forbidden
2022-01-23 13:57:28.577 WARNING Luftdaten Response: Failed

No worries, it’s working now. The problem was when I registered the device, I didn’t pay attention to manually switch it to “Raspi” as the type, so now it’s all good.

pi@raspberrypienviro:~/enviroplus-python/examples $ python luftdaten.py
2022-01-23 14:10:58.904 INFO luftdaten.py - Reads temperature, pressure, humidity,
#PM2.5, and PM10 from Enviro plus and sends data to Luftdaten,
#the citizen science air quality project.

#Note: you’ll need to register with Luftdaten at:
#https://meine.luftdaten.info/ and enter your Raspberry Pi
#serial number that’s displayed on the Enviro plus LCD along
#with the other details before the data appears on the
#Luftdaten map.

#Press Ctrl+C to exit!

2022-01-23 14:11:00.075 INFO Raspberry Pi serial: 00000000337436bd
2022-01-23 14:11:00.091 INFO Wi-Fi: connected

2022-01-23 14:13:25.902 INFO {‘temperature’: ‘-3.89’, ‘pressure’: ‘100102.37’, ‘humidity’: ‘31.18’, ‘P2’: ‘9’, ‘P1’: ‘10’}
2022-01-23 14:13:27.938 INFO Luftdaten Response: OK

hi how did you manually switch it to raspi? and where is this done?

If you register a new device then there are the two first input fields “Sensor ID” and “Sensor board”. For the “Sensor board” you can choose “raspi” instead of the default “esp8266”.