I would do:
load the current API data in order to get the list of all the sensors as json: https://data.sensor.community/static/v1/data.json
import the data in QGIS: Download QGIS
get a shapefile of Belgium and import it in QGIS
use the intersection algorithm in QGIS in order to get the sensor IDs in Belgium
write a simple script in python to download in the archives according to IDs and dates :
import requests #Mettre les ID des capteurs dans le tableau séparées par des virgules sensor_id = [] #Mettre les dates dans le tableau au format 'YYYY-MM-DD' séparées par des virgules dates = [] url_deb = 'https://archive.sensor.community/' for n1 in range(0,len(dates)): date = dates[n1] url_ok = url_deb + date r1 = requests.get(url_ok) source_code = r1.text for n2 in range(0,len(sensor_id)): test = 'sensor_'+str(sensor_id[n2])+'.csv' if test in source_code: split1 = source_code.split(test)[0] split2 = split1.split('<a href="')[-1] url_fin = url_ok + '/' + split2 + test r2 = requests.get(url_fin) data = r2.text #Les données vont s'afficher dans le terminal. print(data)