Pm sensor with only a display

Hello Everyone.
Is it possible that I use a mobile sensor without wifi .
I have a pm sens. only with a gps , bme , and a little oled display.
But the problem is that he is awaiting for a wifi signal.
Is this possible?

Auke vd Weij

you could configure a wifi network (i.e. your home network). Then reduce the time for “Duration router mode” (under “More settings”) to let’s say 30 seconds.
With that the sensor will search for a network, can’t find the configured one when you are in another place and should start measurements after the 30 seconds that the router mode will be active.
And for the case you need to reconfigure soemthing you can do this at the place where the configured wifi network is reachable for the device.

Maybe you could use your phone as a wifi hotspot while mobile and configure the sensor to connect with it?

But the geocoordinates can t be sent.
I am developing a mobile Sensor for a French Start up. We can jeep in Touch.