Object Detection

Good day. I’m new to this process and would like some input on a specific sensor to use for my project. I’ve been working a project to identify motion through a grid of lasers or beams. The grid is approximately 8 feet wide and 7 feet tall. I have 8 sensors on shooting vertically and 8 on the side shooting horizonally. The beams cross in the middle to form the grid. If an object penetrates the grid and breaks at least one vertical and one horizonal, a light comes on. I started the design using lasers and when inside, it works perfectly. When I take it out in the sun, the UV rays deteriorate the beam and I receive erratic readings. Tried multiple lasers and learned my lesson. I switched to looking at sensors and tried some Photo Electric sensors and while they work in the sun, the sensor doesn’t pick up the object at fast speeds. It must be a lot slower. So, I’m looking for advice on a sensor to use with an Arduino Uno board, that will detect specifically a thrown baseball moving through the grid. Suggestions or advice is very much appreciated. Thanks.

You should be able to use a doppler radar sensor.

Good morning. Unfortunately, I don’t think the doppler radar sensor will be the answer. I need a defined area, with a high and low segment and a left and right segment. In investigating the doppler, it’s shows spread coverage, which would cause signal response outside of the defined area. Imagine 5 sensors shooting down across the width of a 36" doorway and then 10 sensors shooting horizontally across the same doorway. Where the sensors form the grid in the doorway, any penetration (one vertical and one horizonal sensor blocked) sends a signal. If someone is too high or too low or two wide of the door, only one sensor would be blocked. It’s my assumption the doppler sends a widespread coverage, which would lead to false signals. Let me know if my assumptions are incorrect. Thanks.