NodeMCU not connecting to WiFi (but works for firmware update)?


All of a sudden (after a power loss) my NodeMCU no longer connects to my WiFi.

It can start up in discovery/AP mode, I select the enwtork and enter the password. clicks save - the NodeMCU reboots, but still cannot connect to the WiFi,

Then - if I do a reflash - after a couple of minutes it is apparently able to connect and update the firmware, reboots - and is then unable to connect again…

Any hints ? It is connecting to a Cisco series 3600 access point…

Output looks like:

mounting FS...
opened config file...
parsed json...
output debug text to displays...
Connecting to HomeWifi
output debug text to displays...
Starting WiFiManager
AP ID: feinstaub-0
scan for wifi networks...
AP Password is:
Starting Webserver... (IP unset)
Connecting to HomeWifi
---- Result Webconfig ----
PPD: 0
SDS: 1
PMS: 0
HPM: 0
SPS30: 0
DHT: 0
DS18B20: 0
HTU21D: 0
BMP: 0
SensorCommunity: 1
Madavi: 1
CSV: 0
Autoupdate: 1
Display: 0
LCD 1602: 0
Debug: 3
.....SNTP synced: Fri Nov 11 22:56:45 2022

output debug text to displays...
WiFi connected, IP is:
Starting Webserver...

ChipId: 7892162

MAC Id: 2cf432786cc2
Read SDS...: 18-11-16(c03f)
Stopping SDS011...
Send to :
Auto-Update active...

And then at some point it autoupdates, reboots … And after a short time I see a crash, and then it reboots to AP/Config mode again…

I got this a few times after pulling the plug out in order to recycle sds011. For some reason it loses connection and refuses to connect to the point that that it defaults to access point mode. I keep reentering the credentials and at some point it just works. Not sure if it relared though as yours appears to be crashing as well.

Are you using a beta firmware by any chance?

Isn t it connected on this IP?

Have you tried to use this address in a Browser ?
Have you used the search function of the firmware flasher ?

And basically how come there is an Update if you Upload the Last firmware ?

Are you using the release or the beta firmware?

Hello @bipsen,
At the beginning I had the same problem like you had. The sensor never teally connencted to the real WiFi network…
With me the problem was that I was too far away of the router and so the signal didn’t reach the sensor ( but it showed up on my phone, so I was confused… ). The solution with me was a WLAN repeater. Since I have it, it was perfectly.