No DATA from the BME on the map


Before I ask my question on TS, I ask here.
A French friend has a problem with his BME:
The data (T°/HUM/PRESSION) are not on the map, but they are well found:
So its configuration is correct.
Do you have any idea what the problem is?
Merci :grinning:

someone changed the API-PIN for this component from 11 (the default) to 3. But this is not the API-PIN our firmware is using to send data for this component. So the API server couldn’t assign the the incoming data to the BME280.
I have changed this in our database. The data should now be shown.

Hello, Thank you very much for your quick response. :+1:
I’m going off topic as you are in site maintenance: I sent an email to for the 4638 sensor that abnormal rates, this email still works?

Merci, obrigado from Portugal :grinning: