Hi all, it seems there is no data from the last night available. From 21:30 to 2:12 (UTC+1) is no data on any sensor. What happend here? We lost the proof of terrible air pollution.
Regards, Eckhard
Hi all, it seems there is no data from the last night available. From 21:30 to 2:12 (UTC+1) is no data on any sensor. What happend here? We lost the proof of terrible air pollution.
Regards, Eckhard
My unit is also registered with OpenSenseMap, which does show data for that interval. So the unit did work ok, but harvesting data stopped for a while.
Lots of units in The Netherlands too have no data on SensorCommunity during that time, which is exactly when PM values peak, owing to fireworks.
Here’s an animation with all the units in the country. (Thanks to RIVM and @martijnkleppe@social.edu.nl)
I’m also curious what happened. Not likely a coincidence, given the timing.
Same here. Noise readings dropped of Dutch RIVM dataportaal for a while. Was it a traffic issue?