Multigeiger on LoRa problem


I have built a couple of multigeigers with WIFI. Since a few weeks I am experimenting with LoRa. The instructions on the multigeiger website are outdated as they are based on thethingsnetwork version 2, and the current version is 3.

Today I had a small success because I managed to make my multigeiger “talk” with itt. I could see the messages from my multigeiger.

However, I need to register a sensor and integrate it with html. The menu items from the manual do not match the current menu items from thethingsnetwork site.

Has any of you managed to get a multigeiger at work with version 3 of thethingsnetwork? Then I can use your help.

In June I succeeded to make a LoraWan Multigeiger work. It was in my mind quite straight forward:

The formater:

function Decoder(bytes, port) {
  // Decode an uplink message from a buffer
  // (array) of bytes to an object of fields.
  var decoded = {};
  if(port == 1) {
  decoded.counts = ((bytes[0]*256 + bytes[1]) * 256 + bytes[2]) * 256 + bytes[3];
  decoded.sample_time = (bytes[4] * 256 + bytes[5]) * 256 + bytes[6]; = bytes[9];
  var minor = (bytes[7]&0xF)+(bytes[8]>>4) ;
  decoded.sw_version="" + (bytes[7]>>4) + "." + minor + "." + (bytes[8]&0xF);
  if (port === 2) {
    decoded.temp = ((bytes[0] * 256 + bytes[1]) / 10) + "°C";
    decoded.humi = bytes[2] / 2 + "%"; = ((bytes[3] * 256 + bytes[4]) / 10) + "hPa";
  return decoded;

The integration:


Capture d’écran 2022-10-02 à 20.33.06

Thanks for your help. Trying now.

This afternoon my friend bjurg47 was here. He brought a lora gateway. I did get responses but I was not sure it was via his gateway.

Now it looks that his gateway did make the connection. At the moment no connection at all.

Just heard from a local LoRa geek that there is no lora coverage in my neigbourhood. He has managed to get permission to put a LoRa gateway in al old watertower.

This must reach my house easily.

You can check yourself on ttn mapper

Yes, I got this tip. It shows that my neighbourhood is not covered.

Coverage is determined by volunteers who use a lora device (a mapper) to chart the coverage. If no one has mapped the neighbourhood you could have coverage…

I know. The local geek has determined with his device that there is no coverage.

When my friend was here last sunday with his LoRa gateway I had contact with the network. The same evening I tried again (same configuration) and there was no connection. My friend had taken his gateway home.