Monthly csv files

Hi, is there a way to download monthly csv files for a specific sensor? I can only find a way to download it based on type of sensor (below) and my pc is saying that the file is too large to unzip.

Hi @Niamh

I was actually doing the downloads of the bme280 and sds011 at the time I saw your question. I was wondering about that too.
I tried to open the .zip file of the bme280 but my Excel couldn’t open it…

When it comes to the personal data values of your sensor, I think the only way is to download your individual sensors’ data is from the single day list:

But this is an interesting point which should be considered in development sometime!

Kind regards

If the specific sensor also uploads results to the API you can get a list of monthly zipfiles and daily csv-files of the current month at[sensor-id] . Replace [sensor-id] with the hardware id of your sensor (i.e. esp8266-1234567)