It seems that the sensors having PM1 measurements are not saved in the sensors archives (or not accessible); Ex: the sensor 63569 correctly displays the measurements in the Grafana dashboard when called through the ID number (so seems to work) while there is no record accessible in the archives base. However the records saving seems to properly work for sensors not having PM1 measurements.
Consequently over Paris, 54 sensors are identified on the community map; 32 sensors having PM1 measurements are not recorded in the sensors archive (so 60%).
Do you see a cause for this situation ? Could it be corrected ?
Thank you pj for this useful screenshot.
The pb was the type of sensor is a PMS7003 and not a SDS011, what I did not know.
However what is the correspondance of P1, P2, P0 in front of PM1, PM2.5 and PM10?
What are the characteristics/differences of the different sensors (PMS5003, PMS7003, …) we can find in the archives, if you know?
For the difference, you can check the datasheet at Plantower. I think there are quite the same because all Plantower sensors work with the same code if I remmber well.