Loss of contact with internet box

Hello everyone,
I assembled a few days ago a third kit consisting of:

  • NODE MCU ESP8266
  • SDS011
  • BME280
    If the first two work 24h/24, the third regularly loses the link with my internet box while it is only a few meters away.
    I disconnect it from its 5V power supply, then reconnect it, and it works again until it disappears from the list of devices connected to my internet box.
    Does anyone have any idea what caused this malfunction?
    In advance, thank you!


Please check the PSU: Can the USB charger provide at least 2A ? Ich should be written on it.

Can you test with another PSU and another cable ?

Hello, and thank you for your message.
The power supply delivers 5V/ 2A.
I disconnected the SDS011 sensor. I left only the BME280. Since then, there has been no more crashes.
I will order a new sensor SDS011.