It took me a while to find the X-pin value of for example the NO2 sensor
NO2-A43F. The way I have found it is by selecting this sensor in and enable expert fields. This shows that it is number 17. But I would also need the value-type name for this sensor (for and Madavi) to be able to construct the correct json for posting the sensor data.
Where can I find this information?
There is a list on this page:
sensors-software/airrohr-firmware at master · opendata-stuttgart/sensors-software (
Sensor.Community API “Pins”
For use of multiple sensors with Sensor.Community, you need to specify a virtual API Pin in the sensor registration form at The firmware uses the following API pins hardcoded. These match what the Sensor.Community API expect and will be used by default when selecting the correct sensor model.
- HPM/PMS/SDS011/SPS30 => Pin 1
- BME280 => Pin 11
- BMP180/BMP280 => Pin 3
- DHT22/HTU21D/SHT3x => Pin 7
- GPS(Neo-6M) => Pin 9
- DS18B20 => Pin 13
- DNMS +> Pin 15