Is SDS-011 raw data, true, or is it a percentage?

I’m sorry, this is such a newbie question, but I just finally got around to getting an SDS-011 sensor to play nicely with a Raspberry Pi, and was just curious about the output. So when I get:

Connecting to SDS-011
Continuously capturing data
PM 2.5 0.355038, PM10 1.800000
PM 2.5 0.355038, PM10 1.700000
PM 2.5 0.426045, PM10 1.800000
PM 2.5 0.426045, PM10 1.800000
PM 2.5 0.426045, PM10 1.800000
PM 2.5 0.710075, PM10 2.100000
PM 2.5 0.710075, PM10 2.000000
PM 2.5 0.710075, PM10 2.100000
PM 2.5 0.568060, PM10 2.300000
PM 2.5 0.568060, PM10 2.300000

Are those the real values or does 0.56 mean 56% or something.
(Also are these values good? :slight_smile: )

Thank you!

Oh, you have to calculate AQI Ala this.
Good lord, that a huge equation that I have no idea how to solve.

Is my stuff good or bad? :frowning:

The data shown is raw data in µg/m3.
And yes, AQI calculation is not so trivial. You can find a javascript function we use in our map at (line 65 ff.)