Install flashing tool on macbook pro


I’m not able to install the flashing tool on my macbook getting the following
Sensor.Community Airrohr Flasher kan niet worden geopend omdat de ontwikkelaar niet kan worden geverifieerd.
Dit onderdeel staat op de schijfkopie ‘airRohr-firmware-flasher-0.3.4-MacOS_BETA.dmg’. Chrome heeft deze schijfkopie vandaag om 21:11 gedownload van
any ideas how to install it

COuld you please give us the MacOS version you’ve installed (and if possible an english translation of the error messages)?

You will have to trust us !

Screen Shot 2023-04-05 at 06.34.55

in Englisch
Community Airrohr Flasher cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified.
This part is located on the disk image “airRohr-firmware-flasher-0.3.4-MacOS_BETA.dmg”. Chrome downloaded this image from at 9:11 PM today.

mac OS Catalina 10.15.7

Yes, open source is also a question of trust.
You have to configure as “accept from every source”.

sudo spctl --master-disable