Hi all,
do know IKEA Vindriktning? It is a air quality sensor with - I think nice - features which could be interesting:
It has a built in Cubic PM1006 which measures PM2.5 and some variants also PM1 and PM10.
You can buy this complete Sensor for about EUR10, so cheaper than sds011. it also uses 9600N81 4,5V signal for communication AND has serial Pads for soldering also for simple connection
There are some projects, where this sensor is connected to ESP8266 (For example heise+ has one online)
So the question und suggestion would be:
How can this sensor used for your project. …
I am willing to solder, but cannot program your system or adapt it for this.
This sensor needs an externally generated air flow as there is no internal fan or something.
This is okay for us cases like (mentioned in the data sheet):
Household air purifier
Automobile air purifier
Residential and commercial air conditioning
HVAC system
The air flow needed could also be created by a heat source, i.e. electronic parts. But for this we would need to design a new case, that needs to be weatherproof and directs the airflow through the sensor.
Otherwise the sensor would measure the same air all the time.
Those measurements are higher than those in the Map for the City: Krefeld
I do not understand: why is in the Map the Date / Time of the last measurement not shown ?
Very stupid those forums limitations to new users.
So I can’t poste the rest of my information.
so unfortunately half of my comments are missing and so my post is incomplete.
Maybe a mod will move my profile to higher level, so I could change my posting that all it makes sense.
Thank you!
To the date/time of last measurements:
The map is only showing sensors that have sent data in the last 5 minutes. And the time of the last time the data was loaded is shown in the bar in the upper part of the map.
To the limitations for new users:
Did you ever moderate a forum? There are too many spammers outside there as that we could allow unlimited posts.
We are a volunteered project with limited resources. We can’t do a moderation 24/7.