how can I update my sensor to NRZ-2024-134-B5 listed here sensors-software/airrohr-firmware/Versions.md at master · opendata-stuttgart/sensors-software · GitHub?
I checked the “load beta versions” checkmark in configuration but latest version I get is NRZ-2021-134-B4/DE
Thanks and happy new year
you need to flash the latest version manually. Instructions for this can be found at:
Thanks. Will this keep my existing configuration?
Why is there no OTA update?
Hi. If you use the firmware flasher it will keep your configuration unless you tell it to do a complete erase.
OTA update in version NRZ-2021-134-B4 is broken so people running that version need to manually flash.
There seem to be some issues with NRZ-2020-133 though as well, at least in my case.
I put together a couple of sensors last year (around September), but I didn’t notice early enough that they were flashed with the previous firmware. When I did, as it was impractical to tear them apart, I decided not to risk updating with a long cable on, and instead let them update OTA. However, several months late and still no update.
Other firmware versions older than NRZ-2024-135/NRZ-2024-134-B5, including NRZ-2020-133, did have a working OTA update. But they also had a certificate, needed for the OTA update, that expired last year and effectively stopped working around the end of July last year.
That explains why your sensors won’t auto-update anymore and you’ll need to manually flash the latest firmware.
Note that I’ve done many updates over a 5m long USB cable without problems, never tried longer cables though.
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Well, that explains it then. Thanks for clarifying.