As I am a totally newbie on sensors I have found a lot of information on the forum.
Really great place helping me digging into sensor etc.
I can see my sensors on the map! (PMS5003 & BME280)
When use the madavi script I see the results of my sensor ‘86648’ (PMS5003).
In madavi my sensor ‘86649’ (BME280) is missing.
For those sensors I use a raspberry pi with the Pimoroni Enviro+ hat.
Which script are you using for transmitting the data to the madavi api?
Generally you should find the sensor using the device serial (for NodeMCU it is the chip id), for raspi most scripts are transmitting the serial to the API. But it depends on the script you use.
I think it is a configuration issue in
Please check that the used/configured sensors are the same in the device and in