I’ve noticed today that in the Grafana graph for the Temperature readings for the past month there have been a couple of peaks near 40 C. My eyes naturally glanced at the chart showing the temps for the past year and I was amazed to see that the highest peak was actually about 31 C. I inspected the JSON structure for both graphs and the only difference is the time period.
So what causes that discrepancy?
I am guessing the yearly chart averages the values but if that is the case, can it be switched to “absolute” values or can it include the highest and lowest temperatures for a given day?
Here is my Grafana dashboard for reference - https://api-rrd.madavi.de:3000/grafana/d/q87EBfWGk/temperature-humidity-pressure?orgId=1&var-chipID=esp8266-3185249&from=1726044865128&to=1726066465129
The funny thing is that the monthly chart says the 40C peak was at 15:00 on 08/13 and the yearly chart does have that exact same data point but it is about 31C.