I forked the airrohr-firmware project to create my own build. I can flash my board from vscode and platformIO. I was wondering if it was possible to use airrohr-firmware-flasher with my personal build?
sorry if the question has already been asked, but searching on this forum I only found two posts that have a link to my question. I wanted to try with other software like esptool or from the arduinoIDE but without success.
No it is not possible (as far as I know, in the version of the firmware flasher I coded a few years ago). You can’t choose an extern firmware, only the ones in the list.
But you can fork the firmware flasher maybe.
Hi, the firmware flasher indeed is only capable of flashing binaries that are available on the firmware website at Index of /airrohr/update .
For flashing local builds of the firmware I use esptool (esptool.py or esptool.exe) from the command line. esptool can be found at Releases · espressif/esptool · GitHub . On Linux/Mac esptool(.py) is also available in most package repositories.
From the command line you can use something like the following to flash the firmware (Windows):
esptool --port COM3 --baud 115200 write_flash 0x0 latest_nl.bin
or (on Linux/Mac)
esptool.py --port /dev/<yourdevice> --baud 115200 write_flash 0x0 latest_en.bin
If you’re not comfortable with the command line you can (Windows only) use a small graphical utility from Releases · BattloXX/ESPEasyFlasher · GitHub which basically provides a simple GUI to call esptool with the above mentioned parameters.
@pjg Fork firmware flasher was my first idea!
Thanks @Phaze-III , it works well with esptool and ESPEasyFlasher.