Failing to post data to Madavi

I am succesfully posting data to but failing to post to Madavi at
The strange thing is that fMadavi acknowledges receipt of my post with code 200 and “Sensor: esp8266-xxxxxxx”.

This is what it looks like (using Postman):

Content-Type: application/json
X-Sensor: esp8266-xxxxxxx

“software_version”: “test”,
“sensordatavalues”: [
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P0”, “value”: 7},
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P1”, “value”: 19},
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P2”, “value”: 15}
{“value_type”: “temperature”,“value”: 11}
{“value_type”: “humidity”,“value”: 75}

It makes no difference to put numbers between “”. The same procedure was also tested with Postman for (requires X-pin: 1 and api at and there it works fine).
I wanted to implement this in my own software and for it works fine but fails for Madavi (written in the Arduino ide). Both were also tested with Postman and it shows the same problem.

Am I missing something?

You also set an X-Pin for Madavi, didn’t you ?
Are you sure the value type looks like SPS30_P0? I can’t find the list.
And “temperature” and “humidity” ?

I have read that Wiki more than 10 times but not finding the answer I am looking for.
Below the json, reply from Madavi is 200 +(Sensor: esp8266-xxxxxxx
ok) so should be ok, but actually no data visible in their Figs. (using Postman for testing).
(X-Pin: … not required for Madavi, but I have tried with 0 or 1 but doesn’t work. Not needed to put values between “”).

Content-Type: application/json
X-Sensor: esp-xxxxxxx

“software_version”: “test”,
“sensordatavalues”: [
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P0”, “value”: 7},
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P1”, “value”: 19},
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P2”, “value”: 15},
{“value_type”: “temperature”,“value”: 11},
{“value_type”: “humidity”,“value”: 75}

Ok, it works now, BME data is now appearing on Madavi. And Madavi is accepting SPS30_ but only if I also include SPS30_P4, mystery solved:
“software_version”: “test”,
“sensordatavalues”: [
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P0”, “value”: 8},
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P1”, “value”: 18},
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P2”, “value”: 16},
{“value_type”: “SPS30_P4”, “value”: 17},
{“value_type”: “BME280_temperature”, “value”: 13.5},
{“value_type”: “BME280_humidity”, “value”: 70},
{“value_type”: “BME280_pressure”, “value”: 101000},
{“value_type”: “signal”, “value”: -50}