ESP8266 do not start AP after first plug in

Hi, I have submitted my first sensor community project which is KIT-1521 (air quality meter) based on ESP2866. After flashing(MacOs) I connected all cables based on an instruction. Plugged in the setup, the ESP diode (blue) flashed once and the red diode from PM sensor is flashing but there is no access point from it even after 10 min since plug in. Tried many times, checked flashing, still no clue what’s wrong.

Do you know how to read the serial Logs on USB? Try to get them and send them here.

It could be that your Mac does not see 2.4Ghz networks. Do you have any other device to check?

Networks checked on Android also. Mac does not have any problem with 2.4Ghz.

any tips on how to do it on Mac?

Plug the usb cable and Look for the serial with Screen or through the arduino IDE.
Read at 9600 bauds

In Terminal
Change the serial accordons to ls

Press RST on the esp8266