as this community seems very experienced around sensors, I hope to find someone who already did something similar like we in Nürnberg are currently trying to achieve.
We want to build as-cheap-as-possible temperature sensors using ESP32, to connect to LoRaWan The-things-Network and from there send the data to in the end. Long-Term goal is to have a lot of sensors all over Nürnberg.
We struggle to get the ESP32 (with a RF95 LoRa Chip) connected to the TTN atm. Did anyone do this already?
Can you send me a picture of the ESP32-LoRa you wants to use.
Do you have a working TTN account ?
Which firmware are you using ?
Do you know how to prepare the LoRa-payload from the sendsor data ?
Do you know how to write the uplink decoder ?
How do you want to send the data from TTN to your server/app ?
I am supposed to answer the questions here for JustACasual.
Can you send me a picture of the ESP32-LoRa you wants to use. - i can do this later
Do you have a working TTN account ? Yes, the Account is working and with an Heltec ESP LORA, everything is working
Which firmware are you using ? We tried a lot of Libs. For example the LMIC Lib with the includes examples
Do you know how to prepare the LoRa-payload from the sensor data ? Yes, this is already done with the Heltec Version
Do you know how to write the uplink decoder ? I’m not sure. We tried at the moment standard examples from the e. g. the LMIC Lib. I expected this is working mostly out of the box
How do you want to send the data from TTN to your server/app ? MQTT is my preferred way
In general our Hardware is working. If i write a simple LORAWAN Sender and with an other device a receiver, i can send and receive the packages. Only the connection to the TTN with public Gateway is not working. (No receives Package, No try of an Join)
To be honest, the range to the next gateway could be one problem. But i do a wardrive to the next gateway and i expect, that a range of 100 meter should not be an issue anymore.
In the linked solution NebuleAir, i did not find an information about the used LORAWAN Modem. The PCB Board Link is dead.
The board is a basic ESP32 DevKit C with a cheap module RF95 connected to it.
You should use only the LMIC not the Heltec lib. But nothing is working out of the box. I spent a lot of time to succeed to make the NebuleAir fully functioning…
Check the decoder on Github NebuleAir and how the payload is prepared on the firmware side.
The NebuleAir is basically a modified version of the SC firmware with LoRaWAN support.