Display how measures change over time

It would be nice to add a feature that lets the map display how the measures changed over time.

  • You could let the user specify a time and date and display the readings at that point in time in the map. Maybe similar to this Rainfall Maps but for particulate matter instead of rainfall.
  • There could be something like a “play” or “start” or “next” button which slowly (e.g. hour-by-hour or day-by-day) increases the given point in time and updates the map to display the readings of the incremented point in time accordingly.

Thanks for your consideration! :slight_smile:


I just came to make the same suggestion.

If it were possible to animate the sensor.community map over a certain time period, using the archived data, it would be possible to track the PM/CO2 peaks as they move across the map, possibly helping to identify their sources.

This would make sensor.community map genuinely valuable, rather than just … interesting.

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Welcome on board!
There was such a map in the past, made by someone in Czeck Repuplic I think. But the map is now deactivated.
We collected more than 2 To of data and the server ressource would be huged.
We provide the data and if someone has access to huge server it is perfectly makable.