Complete noise kits available?

I see that Marcel Meek is also a member of this forum.

My LoRaSoundkit is working, see Getting noise data into - #6 by Roland

Hi, I ordered the NodeMCU ESP32 development board with CP2102, the teensy 4.0 and the pesky ICS-42434. I cannot find in the guide how to connect these parts together. Does anyone have a schedule?

Greetings from Arnhem

Hi Berry,

Is there no print included?
I had these prints made.

I did not received the items, but ont the build guide on I could not find it

Hi Berry, can you send me a private message with your mail address? I have made a manual for a workshop on building the DNMS and I may have some printed circuits as well.

I have some PCB’s available as well…

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