Can not add second (or more) sensors after deleting it once

Thanks a lot;
Everything looks fine now.

Same problem here
CHIP-ID Node esp8266-2667142, I´w would like to add SHT30.


@divfili SHT30 should be added now.

Yes, thank U.
It is working now

Hi same problem here
CHIP-ID: esp8266-7103754, I want to add PMSx003.


What exact type of the PMS is used in this device?
I have added the component, please change it to the correct type. Otherwise it will remain the PMS1003!


type is PMS5003. I have changed already.

Thank you.

Witam czy da się jakoś odblokować id sensora gdyż niechcąca go usunąłem id 6421573 z moich czujników


Hello, is there any way to unlock the sensor id as I have inadvertently deleted id 6421573 from my sensors

@Przemek_Krzy I’ve released the chipID. So you should now be able to register this chipID again.


just built my first air pollution sensor. At the first time, I registered my sensor correctly with the sensor name (chip ID, as 14464291) at, but then
I thought I do add additional Sensors, but i havent the Button for additional Sensors,
So I decited to deleted my sensor, and registered new. But This way I got my sensor chip ID blocked from new registration. Every time I would like to add this sensor I get the “This sensor has already been registered” message.

Can you get my ID 14464291 unblocked so that I can register it again?
Could you please help me

With new Registration i woul have Sensors,

Thank you for your help,


I have the same issue with the Enviro plus on Raspberry Pi. I add the BME280 and at that time I didn’t had a second one. Now I purchased the PMS5003 but can’t add it as a second one. I can now only change between the two sensors but need to add the PMS5003 in addition to the BME280.
How to do that?

We nned the “chipID” of your device to add the second component. Could you please post this id here or in a DM.

You mean the
Raspberry Pi serial: 00000000f7d29a1d
I want to add PMS5003

@Fotis_Karelas the PMS5003 should be shown now.

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