BME688 sensor and its VOC (gas) measurements

Hello :slight_smile:

I wanted to ask if it is possible to add to devices page sensor type BME688? It is a successor of BME280 and the measurements from both are practically identical.

BME688 has VOC measurements. It would be amazing to be able to record them on Is there a way to do it currently? If not it would be amazing to have possibility to send this data in future.


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I would like to “upvote” it.
Is the BME680 already implemented fully with the gas sensor?
Implementing the gas sensor capabilities for IAQ for indoor / outdoor / mobile measurements for BME68x would be great!

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On the sensor page they write:

The gas sensor can detect Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) and other gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the part per billion (ppb) range.

The differences between the 280 and 680 are minimal in terms of air pressure, humidity and temperature. Presumably it won’t be much different with the 688. The temperature and humidity values of the SEN55 and SCD40 are also the same with a small offset.

For the gases, here is a screenshot of my bedroom with four different gas sensors. For home automation purposes, I think the SCD40 for CO2 is great. I don’t know what the other ones with the wild spikes are measuring. (Window always open).

Sensor to Tasmota MQTT to IOBroker to Grafana


For the BME680 and BME688 we don’t plan to use the gas sensor values. These values are highly location dependent. So for our project, where people should be able to compare values between different locations, this would only lead to confusions.

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Seems the SCD40 is the better choice, since it is really measuring CO2 directly and not guessing like the eCO2 sensors, which basically measure TVOC and extrapolate the CO2.
Your chart is n impressive demonstration of the relativity of measurement itself. :smiling_face: