BME280 data corretly transmitted but not shown on map

Hi all,

My Airrohr is using a BME280 sensor, temp, humidity, pressure etc. are correctly transmitted to the API and shown on devices: “” and in the API RRDs “

but not on the Map.

Any Idea what could be wrong here?

thank you so much


In is the BME280 well configured in the sensor type ?

Hi, thanks for reply.

i would say yes.

This is the local sensor config. Please check at that the right sensor types are selected.

Yep it is.

But what would be the right „PIN“ im the advanced settings? i read of someone who got a wrong value here.

Hello, your sensor is shown here:
You need to switch to pressure, temperature or humidity by clicking on the button in the lower left corner. The map IDs of your sensor are 84347 for the SDS011 and 84348 for the BME280.
(the defaults for the PIN should work if you use our firmware)

Oh WOW, that simple. Jesus.

Thank you so much for that hint! Now i can see my data :smiley:
I’am also wondering if its just my stupidness of if that box lacks of a burger menu or arrow-down icon.

However, have a good one!