Airrohr wifi access point asking for password

Hi everybody!
I had trouble to connect a LCD2004 to a freshly flashed NodeMCU V.3, than tried a second display but without success, both displayed only small rectangles. After hours of not understanding I found out both have 0x3F as I2C address.

I have another sensor with firmware NRZ-2020-133/DE which has actually a driver for the LCD2004 with this address to choose at the config page.

I tried to flash the ESP8266 with the dev-version of the airrohr software. First it wouldn’t restart the webserver, after I have added the access point name and data and pushed the save and restart button.

I flashed again, added the AP name and password - again it didn’t start the server after that.

Finally - I don’t exactly remember what I did - after again flashing it it restarts and gives me an access point , but it asks for a passwort and shows the AP is encrypted! Even reinstalling the dev-firmware, erasing all with --port /dev/ttyUSB0 erase_flash

or only the spiffs with --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fs 4MB -fm dout 0x10000 ppd42ns-wificonfig-ppd-sds-dht.spiffs.bin

and later --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash -fs 4MB -fm dout 0x00000 latest_en_dev.bin

I still get the access point but it asks for a passwordI don’t know which one to use. I must have done something stupid.

Any idea what to do?

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That’s how it’s showing the password encrypted AP at my android phone. Same with my linux laptop.


The password is ‘airrohrcfg’ (without the quote signs). We got many requests to set a default password so that the sensor hotspot isn’t shown as open if the device can’t connect to a wifi network.

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I think that’s very good! And thank you for the pw.